Welcome to Stats & AP Stats! Regardless of which class you are in, I hope that you find data and statistics as interesting, challenging, and useful as I find them. Throughout the year I will provide resources here for all students. I look forward to working with each of you this year.
Sample Bias Project Posters
Chapter 23: Comparing Two Means
Chapter 21: Comparing Two Proportions
Egg Roulette 2016
First Annual (hopefully) JDHS Decathlon
Syllabus 2015 - 2016
Useful Links
Videos for November Sub
How to Set-up Simulations
Using Random Digit Tables
Random Digits with a Calculator
(I would not try and get a list of more than 5 numbers at a time. More than 5 numbers will be hard to see on the calculator). 2 more examples of Simulations
Why you get the same Random Numbers on a Calculator as someone else & how to fix it