Welcome to Ms. Razor's Math Page! This will be used along with Canvas as a class resource. All assignments will be posted on Canvas, but this website will hold all videos of Notes/Examples and other valuable resources.
To find the video you need, select the class, then the chapter. From there you will find all videos and resources for the Unit. The videos for Algebra and Algebra 2 go with Big Ideas Math Curriculum. For Statistics, the notes follow Stats, Modeling the World Text. The geometry class is a mix of place based lessons and Big Ideas Curriculum.
To find the video you need, select the class, then the chapter. From there you will find all videos and resources for the Unit. The videos for Algebra and Algebra 2 go with Big Ideas Math Curriculum. For Statistics, the notes follow Stats, Modeling the World Text. The geometry class is a mix of place based lessons and Big Ideas Curriculum.