Chapter 1: Linear Functions
Big Ideas Online
Remember that we are beginning to use our online textbook. To login from a school computer, at home, or on a cell phone, choose the Clever Login Option. From there, you will need to put in your school e-mail address ( When working on assignments, remember to save before exiting. Also, when you are finished you have to submit it!
Remember that we are beginning to use our online textbook. To login from a school computer, at home, or on a cell phone, choose the Clever Login Option. From there, you will need to put in your school e-mail address ( When working on assignments, remember to save before exiting. Also, when you are finished you have to submit it!
Section 1.1: Parent Graphs & Transformations
Section 1.2: Transformations of Linear & Absolute Value Functions
Section 1.3: Modeling with Linear Functions